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Fisher - "Garcin's Just For The Halibut"

Fisher is the son of Soda.  He is growing into a beautiful boy.  He loves hanging out with his human and golden families.  He has a great temperament with just the right amount of spunk.  He is currently being handled by Jennifer Hoffmann and Lindsay Sflinger and is showing well.

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 BISS - White River Golden Retriever Specialty
Lebanon, Indiana - August 13, 2022
Under Judge Mrs. Helen Dorrance

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Fisher is WD BOW at Cambridge, MN September 11, 2020

under breed judge Charlie Olvis

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Fisher was WD/BOW at Fargo Moorhead Kennel Club, Fargo, ND, September 26 & 27, 2020

for his 2nd and 3rd Majors

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